Tuesday 2 February 2010

Hello and Welcome!

Hello There.

I'm Chelsie. And this blog is here to help you with Farmville. First of all, Heres a picture of my farm :

(Click to enlarge)

Im level 26, not a very experienced level, but I only started farmville on this accout, 1st January 2010, I've been playing for 1 month! So, yea, im doing pretty well! The cheats and tips ill be telling you dont need any special software/disks/books. Everything i post about will be free and simple. Also, I have 58,585 (money) and 29416 XP points. I usually have about 100,000 (currency/money) Now, heres a few tips below for as much money as possible.

1) If your a new user, DONT buy anything, just plow all of your farm, this woant take up much money, about 100-150 pounds. After that, plant things in those plots. Keep doing this untill you have a good/sturdy amount of money. Then you can maybe expand your farm or buy some animals/trees

2) The best things too buy are tractors/harvesters/seeders/animals/trees etc ... Things that'll help you gain money. Also, ask your friends to send you things over farm ville, its a quick/cheap process.

3) You don't really need to buy anything then the things above unless you have alot of money.

There's just a few tips to work with ATM:) I'm sorta redoing my farm ville. We'll ill redo it once Ive harvested my crops!.

Hope these help. Although these are very simple:) There's more on the way!

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